Kim Hudson and I met in junior high school and became
instant friends. Kim and I shared our dreams and goals
each other. One night, when Kim slept over at my house, we
began exploring. We taught each other how to kiss the
first time. As the weeks and months passed, we became more
I'll never forget the first time Kim played with my
breasts. We had been in my room comparing our chests. I'd
bought a few new bras because my other ones were too small.
I teased Kim as I showed her the new garments, telling her
that I was now wearing a thirty four B. Kim tried on my
bra, telling me it fit her too.
Kim and I stood topless as we looked at my new nudies.
Smiling, she reached out and touched me. Kim's thumbs
scraped over my nipples, causing me to have feelings that,
up until that time, I'd only felt when I played with
myself. Before the end of that night, Kim and I ended up
in bed topless. We used our hands and mouths on each
other's breasts.
When we got out of school at the end of our junior year,
Kim and I found jobs at a clothing shop near her house. We
worked every day selling clothes to teenagers our age.
Most of the time, we had weekends off. Kim and I kept the
jobs when we returned to school, working part-time.
During the summer before our senior year of high school,
we took our relationship to a higher level. We preformed
oral sex on each other. The first time was awkward, but
that didn't last long. After one of our sessions, Kim and
I talked about what it would be like to have sex with a
boy. We both wanted to do it, but we were afraid because
we knew it would hurt the first time.
When we were sixteen, I managed to score a few joints from
my older brother. Kim and I smoked two joints behind the
garage one night before going into the house. We went to
my room, and with the help of one of my mom's fat candles,
we removed our hymens. It did hurt, but we got over it
quickly. After that night, we added the candle to our
sexual play.
One night, Kim and I met Parker and Walt at a party. We
made out with the two boys and agreed to go out with them
again. Walt and I fucked each other on our forth date.
Kim and Parker did the same thing a week later.
Kim and I moved on during our senior year. After breaking
up with Walt and Parker, we dated other boys. I didn't
fuck any of my dates, but I would give a boy head if he was
nice to me. Kim did ball another boy, but she told me that
she only did it once.
The friendship between Kim and I grew. We did almost
everything together. After graduating from high school, we
became a little wilder. Kim and I had many adventures-this
is one of them.
__________________________________________________ _______
"Hey there, do you two want a ride?" Greg called from the
passenger seat of my brother's van. Kim and I had walked
up to the store from her house. We were on our way back
when Greg and my brother pulled up.
I looked at my girlfriend and shrugged my shoulders. Kim
said, "Sure, where are you guys going?"
"We're headed over to Tom's house for band practice," Greg
replied. He jumped out of the van to open the side door.
"Hi, Amber, hi, Kim," Larry said as Kim and I climbed into
the van.
"Hi, Larry," I said to my brother.
Greg jumped back into the van and Larry took off. Kim and
I sat on the old mattress in the back of the van. Larry
bought the used van from a man that used it for work. It
didn't have any windows in back. My brother covered the
walls and ceiling with brown shag carpet. He added a few
small lights, but they weren't on at the time.
"How are you two doing today?" Greg asked as he swiveled
in his seat.
"We're okay. Just trying to stay cool," Kim said. It was
July and hotter than hell. The daytime temperatures had
been close to ninety for the past week.
"We might have a gig next week," Larry said. He looked
back and smiled at Kim and me.
"That's cool. Where?" I said.
"A dude we know is throwing a party. He asked if we'd
play," my brother replied.
"Are you getting paid?" I said.
"Not money, but we can have all the beer and weed we
want," Greg said.
"That's better than nothing," Kim said.
Larry turned into the driveway at Tom's house. Greg
opened the side door so Kim and I could get out. We
followed Greg and Larry into the house and then down to the
After a saying hi to everyone, Kim and I sat on a couch.
Larry picked up his guitar and began tuning it. Tom sat at
the drums. Greg played bass and Bill, the forth band
member played rhythm guitar. The four boys made noise for
a few moments and then began to play a song.
I was sixteen months younger than my twenty year old
brother was. Greg, Larry's best friend was the same age as
Larry. Kim was eighteen like I was. I knew Kim had a
crush on Larry. I thought Greg was cute, but he'd never
showed any interest in me.
The four boys played several songs. Kim and I grinned as
we watched them play. They stopped to take a break,
offering Kim and me cold beers. We accepted the beers,
thanking Tom for them.
Bill lit a joint, offering it to me after he took several
tokes. I put the joint to my lips, sucked in, and held the
smoke as I passed it to Kim. For the next twenty minutes,
we drank beer and smoked dope. Greg and Larry sat on the
couch next to Kim and me. When he turned her head toward
him, Kim kissed Larry. I watched my brother and best
friend making out for a few moments. Greg took a toke from
another joint. After passing the joint on, he took my chin
in his hand. I opened my mouth, sucking in the smoke Greg
blew into my mouth. Once he emptied his lungs, Greg kissed
me. I didn't resist his kiss, or when he put his arm
around me.
"That was nice. What made you kiss me?" I said softly.
Shrugging his shoulders, Greg said, "I don't know. I've
wanted to kiss you for a while now."
I smiled at Greg. Putting my hand on the back of his
head, I gripped his long hair. I cocked my head and drew
his mouth to mine. We kissed for a few minutes before I
felt his tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth,
accepting his hot tongue. Greg and I took a short break to
drink some of our beer. I glanced at Kim, smiling when I
noticed Larry had his hand under her halter top.
"Okay, it's time to practice," Tom said.
Larry and Greg got up and began to play again. Kim asked
Tom where the bathroom was. We went into the small
downstairs half-bath together.
"Your brother is a great kisser," Kim said as she lowered
her shorts and sat on the toilet.
"Greg is good too. Did you like it when Larry felt you
up?" I said.
"Yeah, he's very gently. Not like that guy I used to
date. It was like Parker wanted to pull my tits off when
he felt me up," Kim said.
"I don't know why you kept going out with him," I said.
Kim laughed. "For the same reason you went out with that
jerk Walt."
I giggled and took my turn on the toilet. Kim and I met
Walt and Parker a party. We started going out with them
after that. It was fun to hang out with the two boys.
They always had good weed and liked sex as much as Kim and
me-maybe more.
Kim and I returned to the couch. When the boys finished
their practice, we all sat around for a while.
"Do you two want to go to the lake with Greg and me?"
Larry asked.
"I guess so. What's going on tonight?" Kim said.
"Not much, just a bunch of people hanging around getting
ripped," Greg said.
"What time? I have to take a shower first," I said.
"We're planning to go at nine or so. You and Kim can
shower at our place if you want to," Larry said.
Greg and Larry shared a rented upper flat a few miles from
our parents' house. He moved out when he turned eighteen.
I wanted to move away from home too, but for now I lived
with my parents. Kim and I talked about renting an
apartment, but we hadn't started looking yet. Both of us
worked at a clothing shop so we could afford it if we
wanted to move. Kim and I started planning for our
inevitable move while we were juniors in high school. We
saved as much money as we could. The clothing shop we
worked for allowed us to stay in style at discounted prices.
Like Kim, I didn't like living at home. Even though I was
eighteen, my parents treated me like a little kid. If they
knew I smoked dope and drank, they would be pissed. Kim's
parents were every bit as old fashion as mine were.
"Drop us off at Kim's house. She can take me home so we
can get ready," I said.
"What's the matter, don't you trust us?" Greg said.
"It's not that at all. I want to get clean clothes," I
"Pack a bag, you can crash at our place tonight," Larry
said as he looked at Kim.
Larry drove Kim and me to Kim's house. We told the boys
that we would get ready and meet them at the flat. The
four of us planned to get something to eat before heading
to the lake.
"What do you think about crashing at Larry and Greg's
place tonight?" Kim said. She sat on her bed next to me.
"I don't care. If we get trashed, I wouldn't want to go
home," I said. It was nineteen seventy two and legal for
eighteen year olds to drink. Even so, I didn't want to
deal with my parents if I decided to get drunk.
"Okay, I'll take a few things to change into. Give me a
few minutes to take a quick shower," Kim said.
Kim left me in her room while she showered. I thought
about kissing Greg, wondering if I wanted to do more with
him. I normally didn't go too far the first time I went
out with a boy, but I'd known Greg for years. He and Larry
were friends in school. I would see Greg at my house
almost everyday. Greg and Larry spent hours practicing the
guitar together while Kim and I watched them.
We left Kim's so I could shower and grab a few things. I
decided to wear jeans in case it turned cool that night.
After gathering a few things, I left a note to let my mom
know I may not be home. I told her that I was with Kim.
Kim drove to Larry and Greg's flat. We went up the back
steps and knocked on the door. Larry let us in. Kim and I
dropped our bags in the living room. We sat on the couch
to wait for the boys to finish getting ready.
The stereo blared, playing one of the latest rock songs.
Kim and I rocked from side to side, singing along. Greg
and Larry came into the living room and told us they were
ready to go.
Larry took us to a drive-in restaurant. Kim and I didn't
want to eat in the back of the van, so we sat outside at a
picnic table. We ate burgers and fries, washing them down
with cold soda. Greg and Larry talked about the band.
They told us about a couple of the new songs they'd written.
As we ate, I couldn't help noticing how Greg looked at me,
or how my brother looked at Kim. The more I thought about
Greg, the more I wanted to make out with him. When we left
the drive-in, Greg climbed into the back of the van with
me. He scooted close, putting his arm around my shoulders.
Kim and Larry sat up front. They talked to each other, but
I couldn't hear them over the loud music.
Greg leaned closer, turning his head toward me. We began
kissing each other while our hands moved over one another's
backs. He brushed my breast a few times, but never groped
me. As we made out, Greg lowered me down onto the
mattress. We squirmed around, pressing our bodies together.
We got to the lake, which was really an abandoned gravel
pit, at about nine. Larry found a parking place, stopped
the van, and turned off the engine. Kim and Larry moved to
the back of the van with Greg and me. Larry lit a joint
and began passing it around. Greg took four bottles of
beer from a cooler, giving each of us one.
Kim and Larry began kissing. I watched for a moment, but
turned my attention to Greg when he kissed my neck. The
four of us sprawled out in the back of the van and made out
for the next half hour.
Taking a break, Larry sparked another joint. We passed it
around, drinking beer between tokes. We finished the joint
and got out of the van. A few other kids showed up so we
went to talk to them.
By ten thirty, there were about twenty kids there.
Someone built a fire and everyone gathered around it. The
group passed joints around and most of the kids caught a
buzz. I felt ripped! Greg stood next to me with his arm
around my waist. We would look at each other, smile, and
then kiss. Kim and Larry did the same thing.
Taking my hand, Greg led me to the van. We climbed in
back, stretching out on the mattress. He began kissing me
softly. Our kissing heated after a few minutes. When Greg
tugged at my tee shirt, I didn't stop him. His hand slid
up my stomach until he covered one of my braless breasts.
I moaned into his mouth to let Greg know I liked what he
was doing.
Greg continued to kiss me. He played with my breasts,
never squeezing too hard. When he began tugging at my
nipples, I moved one hand to his crotch. He moved against
my hand as I rubbed his hard cock through his jeans. Greg
undid the snap on my jeans. He put his hand down my pants,
finding my curly pubic hair with his fingers. We moaned as
we squirmed around and played with each other.
When Greg started to pull my jeans down, I stopped him.
"Not here, Greg. I don't want a bunch of people watching
us." Greg nodded and put his hand back into my jeans. His
finger found my wet slit, causing me to moan. "Mmmm, I
like that."
"We're leaving," Larry said as he and Kim got into the
van. "Some of those assholes are getting out of hand.
Before you know it, the fuzz will be here."
Greg and I stopped fooling around. We sat up while Larry
drove to his flat. Once inside, we all got cold beers and
lit cigarettes. The four of us sat on the couch listening
to music, making out, and drinking.
"Damn it's hot in here," Kim said.
"Sorry, we don't have air conditioning. I have a fan in
the bedroom," Larry said.
Kim giggled. She stood up, removed her top, and said,
"That's better." She sat on Larry's legs, putting her arms
around Larry's neck.
Greg chuckled and said, "Aren't you hot too?"
I giggled and took a big swig of beer. I glanced at my
brother and Kim. While I wasn't opposed to taking my tee
shirt off in front of Greg, I didn't know how I felt about
being topless in front of my brother. I guess the pot and
beer loosened me up enough not to care. Grinning at Greg,
I pulled my tee shirt over my head. Deciding show Kim up,
I also removed my jeans. When Larry noticed me, I blushed.
Kim saw that I was down to a pair of bikini panties. She
stuck out her tongue, stood up, and shucked her jeans. "I
think someone in this room is over dressed," Kim said with
a giggle.
"No shit! Come on, boys, catch up," I said.
Larry looked at me, raising his eyebrows. I giggled as I
shrugged my shoulders. Greg wasn't paying attention to the
subtle exchange between Larry and me. He removed his shirt
and jeans. Greg came up behind me. He put his arms around
my body, cupping my breasts. I leaned my head back,
hooding my eyelids as I waited for Larry to remove his
pants. I didn't know why, but I was anxious to see my
brother strip. Kim knelt on the floor. She unfastened
Larry's jeans, lowered his zipper, and tugged his pants
down his legs. I sighed when I saw the bulge in his tight
white briefs. Greg kissed my neck, distracting me.
The four of us shared nervous glances. I turned in Greg's
arms, stretching up so I could kiss him. He gripped my
ass, pulling my stomach against his hard dick.
"Fire up another joint," I said to Greg. I didn't know
what was going to happen, but I wanted to be able to blame
it on the dope if I wanted to.
We returned to the couch. Greg sparked another joint,
passing it to me after hitting it. I took a toke and
passed it to Larry. We shared the joint, using a clip when
it was too small to hold with our fingers. After snuffing
out the roach, Greg and I started making out again.
It didn't take long for me to get so horny that I thought
I would burst. I slipped off Greg's legs, took his hand,
and led him to his bedroom. We sprawled out on his
mattress, picking up where we left off in the living room.
I moaned, holding Greg's head as he kissed my breasts. He
sucked my nipples, using his teeth to nip at them.
I pulled Greg up so I could kiss his mouth. We stroked
each other, working our underwear off in the process. Greg
rolled me onto my back. He straddled my body, scooting
forward until his cock touched my lips.
"What do you want me to do with this?" I said as I wrapped
my hand around his dick.
"Suck it for me," Greg said.
I opened my mouth so Greg could put his cock between my
lips. I rubbed my tongue over the head of his dick,
looking up at him as I did. Removing his cock from my
mouth, I said, "Do you eat pussy?"
"Yeah," Greg said with a smile.
"Good, you have to give to get," I told Greg. I took his
cock back into my mouth, gently sucking on the end of it
while stroking his shaft with my hand.
Greg put his hands on the mattress above my head. He
began moving his hips, fucking my mouth. I used my hand to
keep him from shoving his cock down my throat as I sucked
him. A few moments later, I felt his cock swell in my
mouth. Blocking my throat with my tongue, I waited for
Greg's cum. When it came, I let his semen gather in my
mouth. He stopped spurting and I removed his cock so I
could swallow.
Rolling onto his back next to me, Greg said, "That was
great, Amber. You're the first chick that swallowed my
Propping my head on my hand, I looked down at Greg. "I
believe in doing things right."
Greg put a hand behind my head. He stroked my hair,
pulled my head down, and gave me a kiss. I have to admit
it surprised me when he opened his mouth and shoved his
tongue past my lips.
"You're the first guy that kissed me after I gave him a
hummer," I said.
"How many guys have you given head to?"
"A few, not that many really," I said. I giggled and
kissed him. "You'll be the second boy to fuck me."
"How many guys have eaten your pussy?" Greg said as he ran
his hand over my chest.
"I've never had a boy do that for me."
Greg smiled. He pushed me onto my back, moved down, and
began kissing my stomach. Greg pushed his tongue into my
bellybutton, causing me to squirm. Looking up, Greg said,
"I'm glad I'm the first one to eat your pussy."
Moving lower, Greg pulled at my pubic hair with his lips.
Extending his tongue, he licked the length of my overheated
pussy. My legs opened as if they had a mind of their own.
Greg looked up, smiling at me from between my legs. He
used his tongue and fingers to give me a fantastic orgasm.
Greg slid up along my body. He pressed his mouth to mine,
kissing me. Lifting his head, Greg said, "So, how did you
like having your pussy eaten for the first time?"
"I didn't say it was the first time. I said it would be
the first time a guy did it to me," I said with a smile.
"No shit! You've done it with another chick?" Greg said.
His eyes opened wide and a big grin formed on his face.
"Yeah, I've done it a few times. You're very good at it-
for a boy," I said with a giggle.
Greg chuckled. He worked his hips until his cock found
the opening to my pussy. I wiggled, helping him sink into
my sex. He moved slowly until all of his nice cock filled
my pussy.
"Mmmm, now that's something a girl can't do for me," I said.
Smiling down at me, Greg moved his hips. His cock slid in
and out of my pussy, making me feel wonderful. The other
times I'd balled a boy, he was like a rabbit. Walt would
pound into me for about two minutes before blowing his
load. Greg moved slow, making it enjoyable for me. What a
difference a couple of years in age can make.
Greg hovered above me as we screwed. I pushed up against
him when he pushed into me. After a few minutes, he rolled
onto his back, taking me with him. For the first time, I
was on top. I put my hands on Greg's chest, riding his
cock. He held my hips, controlling the speed. I could
feel his cock bump against my clit, sending jolts of
pleasure through my body. He fondled my breasts, rolling
my nipples. I groaned as I felt an orgasm build. A few
moments later, I came. Greg held my hips, driving his cock
up into me. He let out a groan, pulled me down, and came
in my pussy. I flopped forward, resting on his chest.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cum in you, Amber," Greg said.
"Don't worry about it. I'm on the pill," I said. I gave
Greg a tender kiss. "Thanks for being concerned though.
That's sweet."
Greg rolled me off his body. I got off the mattress,
wishing there was a bed under it. It felt funny being on
the floor. Cupping my snatch, I waddled to the bathroom.
I sat on the toilet, letting his semen drain. After
cleaning my crotch with a washcloth, I went back to Greg's
room. I giggled softly when I saw Greg passed out on his
back with his limp cock resting against his thigh.
Deciding I was thirsty, I headed for the kitchen.
I found a soda in the refrigerator. I opened the car,
tipped it up, and took a big swig of the cold liquid. Once
I quenched my thirst, I went to the living room. I sat on
the couch, hoping I didn't leak on the cushion. Leaning my
head back, I closed my eyes and thought about the eventful
I heard someone say, "Can I have a swig of your soda?"
Looking up, I saw Larry standing in front of me with his
flaccid cock at eyelevel.
"Sure," I said as I sat up. I stared at my brother's cock
and giggled. "Where did you have that thing to get it so
messy?" I couldn't look away from him. When Larry lived
at home, I never saw him naked. He never saw me that way
either. Once in a while, we would see one another in our
underwear, but not too often. Our parents preached
modesty. My mom would get upset if Larry saw my undies in
the laundry.
Larry chuckled. "Guess."
Suddenly, I felt wicked. All of the times I'd fantasized
about my brother came rushing into my mind. Time seemed to
stand still as I contemplated doing something that I knew
was wrong. Leaning forward, I grabbed his cock and popped
it into my mouth. I sucked Larry in, moaning around his
member. Backing away, I looked up at my brother. The look
on his face was priceless.
"Mmmm, I'd say it was in Kim's pussy." I took his cock
back in my mouth. The flavor wasn't foreign to me.
"Jesus Christ, Kim, you're my fucking sister!" Larry said.
He tried to back away, but I held him close.
Glancing up, I caught Larry's eyes. I backed off his
dick, giggled, and said, "No, I'm your sucking sister. I
won't be your fucking sister until I get this hard." I
took his cock back into my mouth.
Larry's body shuddered. I felt his cock growing in my
mouth. Giggling around his dick, I realized his cock
didn't care that we're related. Larry put his hands on the
sides of my head. I thought he would push me away, but he
began moving his hips. Gripping my hair with one hand,
Larry reached for one of my breasts with the other. I
moaned when my brother started massaging my tit.
It didn't take me long to get his ample cock hard. I
removed my mouth and turned on the couch. Putting one leg
on the back of the couch and the other on the floor, I
invited my brother between my legs. He hesitated for a
moment, but then he knelt on the couch.
"This is crazy," Larry said as he aligned his cock with
the opening to my pussy. He pushed forward, sinking into me.
"Mmmm, crazy or not, I'm going to enjoy this," I said.
Larry smiled. He lowered his body as his hips drove his
cock deeper into my pussy. When our pubic bones met, Larry
paused and looked into my eyes. "Why are you doing this,
Amber?" Larry said in a whisper.
"At first, I planned to just tease you-to make a dream
come true. I have wanted to see you and touch you for a
long time. I guess most younger sisters think about their
brothers that way. Then I decided that for once, I'd like
to fuck someone that I cared for and that cared for me.
Larry, you're my brother and I love you. Not gaga I can't
live without you love, but love nonetheless."
Larry smiled. He began to move, screwing me slow and
deep. Dropping his head, Larry gave me a tender kiss. "I
love you too, Amber. I have to admit that I've thought
about you too."
I held my brother's arms as he made love to me. While I
hadn't fucked very often, this was by far the best. There
was something about the emotional connection that enhanced
our sexual coupling. Larry sawed his cock in and out of me
for what seemed like forever. He kissed my forehead, my
lips, and my breasts. I ran my hands up and down his
strong arms and over his shoulders. Larry held out until I
announced my climax. Kissing my lips, Larry came with me.
"That was the best it's ever been, Larry," I whispered in
my brother's ear. "I hope you don't hate me because of
what we've done."
"No, I don't hate you, Amber," Larry said in a very
assuring voice.
"Would you hate me if I wanted to do it again?" I said
with a soft smile.
Larry smiled at me. "No, but I'm afraid I can't do it
again right now."
"I know. I meant some other time, or times if you want,"
I said.
"What about Kim and Greg?"
"I'm not suggesting we get married or anything like that.
I know you'll want to fuck other girls and I'll want to
fuck other guys. I don't care about that as long as I can
have you to myself once in a while."
"I think we can arrange that, Amber.' Larry gave me a
kiss and grinned. "Have you ever thought about a threesome?"
"You and Greg?"
"Yeah, or you Kim and me."
I giggled and said, "How about all four of us? How does
that sound?"
"Sounds like it could be fun. We have to be careful about
who we fool around with though. Incest is illegal you
know," Larry said.
"Yeah, so is smoking dope and other things we do. I know
we have to be careful, but I don't think Kim or Greg would
say anything."
Larry nodded. He got up, pulling his limp dick out of my
pussy. I giggled, sat up, and took his messy cock in my
mouth. After sucking him clean, I looked into his eyes.
"I taste as good as Kim does."
"I'll let you know another time," Larry said.
Grinning, I said, "What's the matter, don't you want to
eat my pussy when it's full of your cum?"
"It isn't my cum I was thinking about, Amber."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about Greg. Sorry," I said.
Larry smiled and nodded his head. We cuddled on the couch
for a few moments before lighting cigarettes. After we
finished smoking, Larry and I returned to our sleeping
lovers. I crawled onto the mattress, spooning against
Greg's back. Grabbing the sheet, I pulled it over us.
When I woke up the next morning, I was alone. I crawled
off the mattress, stood up, and headed for the bathroom.
After I finished in the bathroom, I headed to the living
room. Greg stood in the kitchen wearing a pair of old gym
shorts. I moved up behind him, circling his waist with my
"How are you this morning?" I asked Greg.
Turning in my arms, Greg looked into my eyes. He smiled
and said, "I'm great."
"Me too. I had a great time last night," I said.
"Does that mean you'd do it again?" Greg said.
"Sure, but next time I don't want to smoke so much dope or
drink as much beer. My head hurts, but my pussy feels
great. Next time, I want everything to feel great."
"We could go back to bed right now," Greg said with a grin.
Shaking my head, I said, "No, I need coffee." I gave Greg
a kiss. "We need to talk too."
"About you and Larry?"
I gasped. "What do you mean?"
"I got up when I found you were gone. I came out to the
living room and saw you guys," Greg said.
"Oops, I wanted to talk to you first," I said.
Greg pulled me close to him. "Don't worry about it. Your
secret is safe with me. I know you and Larry aren't the
first two siblings to fool around with each other."
"You know of others?" I said.
Nodding, Greg grinned. "I lost my virginity to my cousin.
I also fooled around with Beth, my older sister. It
happened a few years ago at a family gathering."
I giggled and said, "Maybe you should invite them over."
"My cousin and my sister are married. I don't think
they'd go for it again," Greg said.
"Oh well, it could have been one hell of a party," I said
with a giggle.
"I think the four of us can have fun, Amber. After
watching you and Larry I know I'd love to be part of a
threesome with you two."
I slipped my hand into Greg's shorts. Fondling his cock,
I said, "I think a foursome would be fun too. I'll see if
Kim is interested in joining us."
"You'll see if Kim is interested in joining you for what?"
Kim said from behind me.
I giggled, gave Greg's cock a firm squeeze, and removed my
hand from his shorts. Turning around, I said, "We need to
talk, Kim. Let's go to the bathroom. We can talk while I
take a shower."
Kim and I went to the bathroom. Seeing the closed door,
we waited for Larry to finish and come out. When he did,
Kim and I scooted into the small bathroom. I turned on the
shower and stepped into the tub. I invited Kim to join me.
She giggled, removed her tee shirt, and climbed in with me.
"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" Kim said. She
giggled when I began soaping her chest.
"Um, I have something I need to tell you."
"What? Mmmm, it's been a long time since you played with
my boobs." I giggled as I moved my hand between Kim's
legs. "It's been a long time since you played with my
pussy too. I love it when we have sex together."
"I know, it's been a week, hasn't it?" I said with a giggle.
"Stop fingering me and tell me what's on your mind," Kim
said as she pulled my hand from between her legs.
"Well, something happened last night and I don't know how
to tell you," I said.
"Just spit it out, Amber. You know, just tell me that you
fucked your brother," Kim said with a giggle.
"You know?"
"Yeah, Larry told me about it this morning after we
balled. I think it's cute. Thanks for telling me though.
It lets me know I can trust you," Kim said. She put her
arms around me, pulling me against her naked body.
"Would it piss you off if I kissed you?" I whispered.
Shaking her head, Kim said, "It would piss me off if you
Kim and I shared a tender kiss, just as we'd done so many
times before.
"How do you feel about a threesome or a foursome with
Larry and Greg?" I said.
"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I'd love it. I'm more
than willing to try," Kim said.
Kim and I giggled. We broke our lover's embrace so we
could shower. Kim and I took turns washing each other's
bodies and shampooing each other's hair. After drying
ourselves, we went to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Wow, would you take a look at this," Larry said. "Two
hot naked girls are in our kitchen."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's for breakfast?" I said.
"Larry and I planned to take you two out, but I guess
we'll have to think of something else," Greg said.
"Give us a minute. We'll get dressed," Kim said.
Kim and I put on clean clothes. Larry and Greg took us to
a small restaurant for breakfast. While we ate, we all
avoided talking about what I was sure everyone was thinking
about that morning.
When we left the restaurant, I told Kim to sit in the back
of the van with me. Greg sat up front with my brother. As
Larry drove away, I pushed Kim onto her back. I wrapped my
arms around my giggling girlfriend, kissing her with my
open mouth. Kim quickly settled down, kissing me back.
"How far do you plan to take this?" Kim whispered as I
slid my hand under her shirt.
"As far as you'll let me," I said and then I squeezed her
"If you expect me to stop you, you're nuts."
"Even if I do this?" I said as I pulled Kim's shirt up and
over her head. "Or if I do this?" I lowered my head,
sucking one of her nipples between my lips.
"Hmmm, not a chance," Kim said.
Sitting up, I unfastened Kim's shorts. She lifted her
butt when I started tugging on the waistband. I tossed her
shorts and panties aside. Reaching between her legs, I
began to pet Kim's mons.
"Holly shit! Amber is playing with Kim's pussy," Greg said.
"Fuck, I'm going to park so I can watch," Larry said.
I giggled. Leaning over, I kissed Kim's mouth. Our
tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths as we
began making out in earnest. Kim broke the kiss, sat me
up, and started to remove my clothes. Naked, we tangled
our arms and legs.
Larry must have found somewhere to park because I felt the
van stop. The noise of the engine disappeared, leaving
only the sounds from the radio and our noisy lovemaking.
Glancing toward the front, I saw Larry and Greg watching
Kim and me. Ignoring the boys, I concentrated on Kim. We
kissed, touched, twisted, and turned on the mattress in the
back of the van.
"Oh my God, they're going to do it," Larry said as Kim and
I turned so our heads were between each other's legs. Kim
stretched out on top of me, lowering her pussy to my
waiting mouth. I lifted my ass up so she could attack my
pussy. We licked and sucked each other until we came.
I flipped around to kiss Kim's mouth. She held me tight,
shoving her tongue past my lips and into my mouth. We
moaned while we kissed and rubbed our bodies together.
After a few moments, I rolled onto my back next to Kim. I
hooked one of my legs over one of hers, stroking her hairy
"I don't know about you, Sweetie, but I need a nice hard
cock in my pussy," I said.
"Mmmm, that sounds so nice. I wonder where we can find a
couple of guys that would fuck us," Kim said with a giggle.
Kim and I giggled when we saw Larry and Greg scrambling to
get their pants off. Greg climbed between my legs and
Larry moved between Kim's legs. The two boys didn't waste
any time. They worked their cocks into our pussies in
record time. Kim and I looked into each other's eyes as
Larry and Greg hammered our pussies with their hard cocks.
We grinned and then winked at each other.
"Greg, I think it's only fair that you fuck Kim," I said.
"Right now?" Greg said as he pumped in and out of me.
"Why not right now. Don't you think Kim is cute?" I said,
trying hard not to giggle.
"Hell yeah! I think Kim's hot as can be," Greg said
between grunts.
"Well then you should show her."
"Get off Kim, Larry. Amber wants me to fuck her," Greg
Larry laughed. He and Greg switched places. I watched
Greg feed his cock into Kim while Larry pushed into me.
Kim and I held hands while the boys fucked us.
I wasn't ever close to an orgasm when I felt Larry's cock
jerking in my pussy. He shoved his dick into me as far as
he could. Hugging me, Larry let out a series of grunts. I
felt Kim's hand squeezing my hand. I turned my head in
time to watch Greg unload inside her.
Once both Larry and Greg finished, I said, "Get a cock up
here so I can clean it off."
"Oh you nasty little chick! That sounds so hot," Kim said.
Larry offered his cock to my mouth. I sucked him in,
using my tongue to clean our combined juices from his dick.
Next to us, Kim did the same thing to Greg. After Kim and
I cleaned the two boys, I flipped around so we could clean
each other's pussies. Greg and Larry sat on their heels,
stroking their cocks, and watching Kim and me.
Kim pulled her head from between my legs. She got onto
her hands and knees, wiggling her ass at the two horny
boys. I laughed when I realized what Kim planned. Moving
quickly, I got on my hands and knees next to Kim.
"Mmmm, that feels good," Kim said as Larry knelt behind
her and shoved his cock into her pussy.
I giggled as Greg fed his cock into me. A moment later,
the sound of slapping flesh filled the back of the van.
Greg grunted as his hips met my quivering ass. Next to us,
Larry moved in and out of Kim.
Reaching between my legs, I diddled my clit. I wanted to
cum while Greg fucked me doggie style. He put one of his
hands on my dangling breast, massaging me firmly. Turning
my head, I watched the look of lust on Kim's face. I
wondered if my expression was as sexy as hers was.
Greg lasted a long time, bringing me off twice before he
came in my pussy. He fell forward, pushing me down onto
the mattress. We panted, catching our breath while Larry
continued to fuck Kim. A few moments later, my brother
groaned, announcing his climax.
The four of us relaxed in the back of the van for several
minutes. Larry told us he was afraid that someone might
catch us, so he and Greg dressed. Kim and I remained
stretched out on the mattress as Larry drove away. On the
way back to Greg and Larry's flat, Kim and I dressed. The
four of us went upstairs and collapsed on the couch. It
didn't take long for all of us to fall asleep.
I woke up an hour later. Getting up, I went to the
bathroom to clean up. While I was in the shower, Larry
joined me.
"Yesterday and today have been great, Kim," Larry said.
I nodded as I washed his chest with a bar of soap. "It's
been fun for me too, Larry. It's too bad your flat is so
small. If it were bigger, I could move in. Maybe Kim and
me," I said.
"I know. Hey, I heard that the people downstairs are
planning to move. Maybe you and Kim could rent that place.
That way you guys would have your privacy and be close
too," Larry said.
"Have you ever been in there? Is it nice?"
"I helped the woman move some furniture once. The lower
flat is three bedrooms. It has a small dining room too,"
Larry said. "Greg and I have a washer and dryer in the
basement so you wouldn't need to worry about buying those
right away."
"Wow that would be so bomb! I'm going to ask Kim if she's
Larry gave me a hug. He began washing me, taking a little
extra time with my breasts and between my legs. After we
finished, Larry and I went out to the living room. Kim and
Greg weren't there.
"I wonder where they went," I said.
"Check the bedrooms. Maybe they're balling each other,"
Larry said.
I giggled. "Maybe they are." Heading toward the
bedrooms, I listened for the sounds of sex. I looked into
Greg's room and saw Kim sitting on the mattress. "Where's
Greg?" I said.
"He went to pick up something to eat. These boys don't
have food in this place," Kim said.
I sat next to Kim. "I've been thinking, Kim. How would
you feel about finding a place for us to live in? I want
to get out of my parents' house."
"I'm hip to moving, Amber. We can start looking for an
apartment or a flat."
"Well, Larry told me that the people downstairs are
moving. He said the lower will be available soon," I said.
"That would work for me. That way we could have friends
over if we want to and still be close to Larry and Greg.
We should do it," Kim said.
A few weeks later, Kim, and I moved into the flat below
Larry and Greg. My parents let me take my bedroom
furniture and Kim's parents let her take hers. We used
some of our savings to buy some used furniture. We picked
up a couch, a couple over-stuffed chairs, and a kitchen
set. Greg found an old wooden wire-reel that we used as a
coffee table in the living room. The dining room and the
third bedroom would have to stay empty for a while.
Greg and Larry helped Kim and I move in. They also helped
us christen the place. We smoked a joint, drank a few
beers, and balled the night away.
Kim and I started to go with Greg and Larry to listen to
their band practice. We held a house warming party two
weeks after we settled in. Greg and Larry invited the
other two members of the band and they played. We found a
use for the empty dining room that night. Kim and I
invited a few of our friends. The party was a huge
success. Our friends gave us some of the things we needed
to set up housekeeping.
Before the party ended things got very wild. I will have
to tell about it soon.
Right now, I'm heading up to Greg's. Kim and Larry went
out so Greg and I have the place to ourselves for a while.
If we're lucky, Kim and Larry will be back in time for some
hot fun. We'll have to wait and see.
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